Yuuko, your Anime companion.

Yuuko is the answer to all your anime needs. We combine efficient and proven technologies to deliver a huge subset of commands.

Help command

With our bot you can view all your animes, mangas, news, and even get recommendations based on your viewing habits without ever leaving the comfort of Discord.

User command

And there's more, much more. You can view your favourite characters, studios, and even the staff that takes care of all hard work of making an anime.

Studio command

You can sync your AniList account with Yuuko, you can post to your AniList feed, and see what your friends are up to and many others. Yuuko takes care of all the hard behind-the-scene details of delivering all about anime to your server with beautiful, modern, and highly interactable user interfaces.

Makeactivirty command class=

So what are you waiting for? Take the next step into interacting with anime by inviting Yuuko to your server today!

And it gets even better, Yuuko is completely open source on GitHub under the MIT license, so you are more than welcome to view and contribute to our source code. Your data is protected by industry proven cryptography, and rest assured we will never touch it.

Name Description Parameters (? = optional ! = required)
/airing Gets the airing schedule for today or period. (e.g. 1 week means today the next week.) /airing ?in
/anime Gets an anime from anilist based on a search result. /anime title
/auth help Shows you how to get you your AniList token to bind your account. /auth help
/auth token Binds an existing AniList user to your Discord account in the bot database. /auths token !token
/character Gets the airing schedule for today or period. (e.g. 1 week means today the next week.) /character !name
/makeactivity list Allows you to make an Anilist media activity from Discord. Requires an AniList token. /makeactivity list !mediaid !status ?hide ?list ?score ?progress
/makeactivity status Allows you to make an Anilist status activity from Discord. Requires an AniList token. /makeactivity status !text
/recommend Recommends unwatched anime/manga based on the requested genre(s). /recommend !anime/manga !username !genres
/staff Gives you info about a staff member from anilist's DB. /staff !name
/studio Searches for an studio and displays a list of their anime /studio !name
/trace Gets an anime series from an image. /trace !image attachment
/user Searches for an anilist user and displays information about them. /user ?user
/aninews Gets the latest anime news from RSS. /aninews